






Remember and don't forget the Essential.


Welcome to this place. You will find here some math notes and pieces of software that can be helpful to you, or your institution. Feel free to make suggestions about the content you came across. Moving here and there; among the four linked sites, you can also gather some other informative details. Good rambling around. July 2007.


What's new : March 2024.

Updates. Choose wanted format down below. Date(s) UpDate
Come-back diary.
--- --- --- PDF TXT 09/20 08/23
Translated updated memoir.
--- --- --- PDF --- 12/20 03/24

Archive log : August 2009. An upgrade of the site was intended by putting on line a bunch of research notes, free softwares and whatever; when four hard drives containing them crashed simultaneously. Considering it was the tenth (definitive ?) loss of (precious ?) data, this and other events stopped any intellectual activity for a moment out-there, however you can visit this page from time to time, maybe things will change. Regards. July 2011.

Archive update : September 2020. A dusting-off of the thick layer of quarks dust that has covered the electrons of these web pages, over the years is begining. A recompiling of research paper notes of that past era, is also on the way : cf the linked diary log or the above table for more details.

PS : domains of visitors have also been logged with a PHP script in order to spot Human ones among the vast majority of robots. Regards.